April meet-up recap: Learning about OpenTufo with Douglas Flagg and we brought cake to celebrate

How many of you have ever gone to the grocery store or bakery to pick-up a cake that has “We ❤️ open source” decorated on top? I think I’m the only one so far, but I would welcome your pictures if you feel so inclined.

Cake. Cake was in order. Cake was ordered. And this cake was delivered. We had something to celebrate at the monthly meet-up in April hosted by Fidelity Investments. Hours before 100 members of the All Things Open (ATO) community gathered in Research Triangle Park, NC, a new community educational hub was quietly turned on.

After months of work, it’s time to share that We Love Open Source is live and we are looking for contributors. For more on that, please read our welcome announcement with all the details you need, because it’s time to get back to the meet-up summary.

Fidelity Investments was a great host. They provided a multi-functional meeting space that was ideal for networking, eating, and watching the presentation. Two, large screens shared showed the audience live demos. Multiple, live demos I should add.

The topic of the evening was centered around managing infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), topics of huge interest to the ATO community. To be more specific, Douglas Flagg, a Principal Cloud Engineer at Fidelity Investments spoke about managing infrastructure with OpenTofu.

I wasn’t expecting live demos, but Douglas was prepared with four of them. And the demo gods were smiling, because everything worked and the audience got to see OpenTofu in action. We are hoping to have a recording, and if we are able to get it, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified of new videos.

What a day. The ATO team launched We Love Open Source, we hosted a well-attended meet-up in RTP, and we ate cake with friends.