User Groups

All Things Open is proud to host three of the most active “open source” user groups in the U.S.

Research Triangle Park (RTP)

4,400+ members

The Research Triangle Park (RTP) Open Source user group has nearly 4,400+ members, meets regularly, and hosts some of the top speakers in the region. Attendance averages 100-200+ for each event and while the majority of those attending are technologists, the audience also includes community leaders and education attendees (students, professors, internal IT teams) from local colleges and universities.

More Information

RTP Meetup Link

Open Source South Carolina

1,500+ members

The Open Source South Carolina user group is hosted regularly in Columbia and has over 1,500 members from throughout the state and region. Attendance averages 50 – 100+ and leans heavily toward technologists. However, community leaders and those in education (students, professors, college IT staffs) attend as well. 

More Information

OSSC Meetup Link


250+ members

Launched in 2023, our third meetup group, Open Source Charlotte, is based in Charlotte, NC. Meetups are hosted monthly and feature some of the top technologists in the world. If you live in the Charlotte area or simply want to attend a future meetup, become a member today. Joining is 100% free, and all future meetups will be as well.

More Information

OS Charlotte Meetup Link