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Unix 4th edition commands reference guide

Use this reference guide for all of the section 1 commands from the Unix 4th edition manual.

Here’s a handy reference to all of the section 1 commands from the Unix 4th edition manual. The manual was divided into separate sections, and section 1 was reserved for general user commands:

  • User commands
  • System calls
  • Programming routines
  • Special files
  • File formats
  • User-maintained programs
  • Miscellaneous entries
  • Maintenance

You may be familiar with many of these commands. Most still exist in modern Linux systems, but a few have been replaced with other commands that do pretty much the same thing (like ar to make archives; you probably use zip or tar instead).

CommandWhat it does
arcreate archives
catconcatenate files
chdirchange directory
chmodchange mode
cmpcompare files
commprint common lines
cpcopy files
dateprint date
dcdesktop calculator
dudisk usage
echoprint output
exitexit the shell
fileprint file type
gotoshell scripting command
grepsearch for text
ifshell scripting command
killterminate processes
lncreate links
loginsign into the system
lslist files
mailsend email
manmanual pages
mergecombine files
mesgallow or deny messages
mkdircreate directories
mvmove files
nicerun at low priority
nohuprun command without hangups
nroffdocument preparation (new roff)
passwdset password
prprint files
psprocess status
rmremove files
rmdirremove directories
roffdocument preparation (replaced by nroff)
shcommand shell
shiftadjust command line arguments
sleepwait for an interval
sortsort a file
splitbreak up a file
sttyset TeleType options
timehow long it takes to run a command
trtransliterate text
troffdocument processor (typesetter roff)
ttyget TeleType name
uniqremove repeated lines
waitwait for a job to finish
wcword count
wholist currently logged in users
writesend terminal message to a user

These other section 1 commands were useful for programming.

CommandWhat it does
basBASIC programming
ccC compiler
cdbC debugger
crefcross reference listing
fcFORTRAN compiler
nmprint name list
odoctal dump
sizethe size of an object file
snoSNOBOL interpreter
stripremove symbols

These other section 1 commands from Unix 4th Edition were specific to the Bell Labs environment. If you don’t recognize these, that’s because they were later dropped:

CommandWhat it does
catsimsimulate a phototypesetter on a terminal
dswdelete interactively
fedform letter editor
formform letter generator
oproffline print to Honeywell 6070
pfeprint floating exceptions
plotmake charts on a terminal
proofcompare text files (like diff)
rewrewind a tape
speaktext to speech
tpmanage tapes
tssconnect to MH-TSS on Honeywell 6070
typeprint files to the TeleType like a typewriter
typofind spelling errors

About the Author

Jim Hall is an open source software advocate and developer, best known for usability testing in GNOME and as the founder + project coordinator of FreeDOS. At work, Jim is CEO of Hallmentum, an IT executive consulting company that provides hands-on IT Leadership training, workshops, and coaching.

Read Jim's Full Bio

The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or All Things Open/We Love Open Source.

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