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Jim Hall

Jim Hall is an open source software developer and advocate, probably best known for his work on the FreeDOS Project. At work, Jim is CEO of Hallmentum, an IT executive consulting company that provides hands-on IT Leadership training, workshops, and coaching.


Articles by Jim Hall

4 open source documentation tools for developers

Jim Hall

From TurboC to Open Watcom: A tale of two C compilers and their interfaces

Jim Hall

Getting started with FreeDOS 1.4 Release Candidate 1

Jim Hall

How to use the findfirst-findnext functions to expand wildcards into filenames

Jim Hall

How to write your first FreeDOS program

Jim Hall

5 FreeDOS editors I love

Jim Hall

From HTML to AI: What the modern technical writer’s toolkit looks like

Jim Hall

How slow was the Teletype?

Jim Hall

A Linux and Unix experiment – Part 3: Writing several C programs

Jim Hall

A Linux and Unix experiment – Part 2: Preparing a document using nroff

Jim Hall

A Linux and Unix experiment – Part 1: Writing a FORTRAN 66 program

Jim Hall

A throwback experiment with Linux and Unix: Introduction and set-up

Jim Hall

Unix user commands reference guide

Jim Hall

Technology history: Where Unix came from

Jim Hall

Unix 4th edition commands reference guide

Jim Hall

Getting started with the ‘ed’ editor

Jim Hall

How to navigate the command line

Jim Hall

Explore the five steps of the FreeDOS boot sequence

Jim Hall

Learning to program: 2 ways to copy files in C

Jim Hall

Looking ahead to 30 years of FreeDOS

Jim Hall

Explore regular expressions by playing a word game

Jim Hall

Celebrating 60 years of BASIC and why it’s still relevant for new programmers

Jim Hall

5 elements to explore in ODT files

Jim Hall

Learn about machine language with this retro computer simulator

Jim Hall

Another open source DOS: A new reference for how MS-DOS worked under the hood

Jim Hall

How to make a web color palette with Bash tutorial

Jim Hall

Automation tips for using ‘if’ statements in Bash scripts

Jim Hall

4 lessons from my first open source contribution

Jim Hall

Automating jobs with ‘cron’

Jim Hall

Learn programming by exploring these tech history milestones

Jim Hall